Oil and Gas

One of the major contributors to CO2 and Methane Emissions (7.2 billion ton CO2e). According to the IEA, more than 45% of emissions in Oil & Gas operations can be eliminated through relatively simple measures and with small to no investments (CAPEX).


Contributor to substantial CO2 Emissions. Our methodologies are industry agnostic and can be applied to steele production.


A major source of Methane Emissions and toxic fumes. Our methodologies are industry agnostic and can be applied to waste management.


What we do?

We provide proven processes.

​ Industries come to us to drive decarbonization projects using our Opportunity Realization process. We also equip Industries with many other tools and methods like CtL, SESMAT, CLD, WMN , WCN and more.

We provides easy access to marketplaces for Services, Technology & Finance.

Industries need to Decarbonize at a speed and scale that the world has not seen before. So fast and easy access to technology, services and finance will become very important.

We accelerate capacity building and rapid scale-up globally.

We take out frictions and provide solutions based on decades of experience. This helps building capacity and capability at a global scale.


Our Vision

Realize a sustainable industry in harmony with people and planet.


Our Mission

Organize decarbonization capabilities and make them accessible and useful for the industry.

Products & Services

Decarbonization Opportunity Management

Industry use this to drive the Decarbonization journey – from start to end, step by step.

Decarbonization Marketplaces

Industry use this to explore, select and adopt Technologies, Skills or Finance for Decarbonization.

Decarbonization Consultancy

Limit the Carbon (CtL) methodology for Carbon Reduction Opportunity Identification using unique tools and approaches tailored to the decarbonization of the industry.

Data Insight and Reports

Data Insight And Report for Regulators, Authorities and more.

How it works?

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